A Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Showcase Pages

A Beginners Guide to LinkedIn Showcase Pages
Table of Contents

LinkedIn, the place where professionals come to network, and business owners such as yourselves get a chance to connect with them. It presents the perfect opportunity to market your brand, doesn’t it? That’s where LinkedIn Showcase Pages come in, a place for you to showcase your initiative, brand, or flagship product to a specific audience.

Whether business-related or otherwise, LinkedIn Showcase Pages give you a smart place to present the best of what you have to offer and create new B2C and B2B connections. 

In this article, we will take a closer look at what Showcase Pages are and how you can use them to give your business the boost it needs.

What Is A Showcase Page On LinkedIn?

Think of Showcase pages as a direct line between your LinkedIn Company page and the audience you are targeting. Of course, there are variables in play as well, such as how you design your page and the incentive you offer clients. So, if not used properly, you may end up using a lot of your resources for naught. 

linkedin showcase page meme

Showcase Pages were launched in November 2013. The idea was to allow businesses with more than one page to highlight specific aspects of the business, allowing these pages to stand alone and, therefore, drive more engagement. 

According to Aviad Pinkovezky, an official LinkedIn blogger,

“Millions of companies use LinkedIn Company Pages to share content and opportunities. For our members, the best way to stay up to date with those updates is to follow the companies they’re interested in. However, some companies have different brands and products. How can you tell Cisco you are particularly interested in their Enterprise Network Solutions, Security Products, or in their Internet of Things initiative?”

By having a dedicated LinkedIn Showcase Page, you can create a community of followers specific to a single brand and/or subject. Post images, videos, and updates about their favorite product. Take Microsoft and their 365 Showcase page as an example.

microsoft 365 linkedin showcase page

Source: LinkedIn 

Microsoft has a wide range of products; however, on this page, you will see none of that. No Windows 11 ads, no Edge advertisement, or Xbox ads; it’s just you and Microsoft 365. The idea is to give you a much more streamlined experience where you get to focus on what you love alone through effective product positioning.

In this hectic world, we truly do need something like this, don’t we? A calm, serene place where businesses aren’t constantly trying to sell you something more. The focused and relevant content has proven to be very effective. 

According to SEO expert Byron Hardie, most marketers keep their brand as the main focus of their marketing ventures, forgetting about the customer. Your customers may have already been subjected to hundreds of ads, if not thousands. Marketers need to understand that when you give them content that caters to their real needs, this is the factor that will boost your leads and eventually lead to conversions.,

That’s exactly what LinkedIn Showcase Pages intend to do. 

Types of LinkedIn Showcase Pages

There are five major types of LinkedIn showcase pages. 

  1. Product-Focused Showcase Pages
Salesforce AppEchange LinkedIn Showcase page

Source: LinkedIn

These pages include content tailored to one specific product or group of products. If you look at the Salesforce AppExchange page, above, you will find that from the About Us section down to individual posts, everything is geared towards helping you learn more about the specific product.  Also check our post about how to schedule posts on linkedin to boost engagement!

For reference, here is the original Salesforce AppExchange partner page.

nativevideo Salesforce AppExchange Partner LinkedIn showcase pages

Source: LinkedIn

As you can see, posts in the latter aren’t as focused as the Showcase page.

  1. Event Showcase Pages
Modamakers linkedin showcase page

Source: LinkedIn

For those of you who host regular events, LinkedIn Event Showcase Pages are a great way to help you target a specific buyer’s persona. The screenshot above shows an event by Moda Maker scheduled to be held in 2022/23 for fashion factories. 

The page can host specific long-tailed keywords as well, allowing the page to only target those interested in the topics your event will cover.

  1. Marketplace Showcase Pages
agent and brokers working in the marketplace linkedin showcase page

Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn allows you to target professionals as well by creating a marketplace showcase page, one that targets a broad range of professionals in your industry and helps them find growth and coverage opportunities or just a place to find industry knowledge. The screenshot above signifies a place for agents and brokers to learn more about software that could help them scale in the market. 

A marketplace showcase page could be for all sorts of professionals, including:

  • IT managers
  • Construction supervisors
  • Agents/Brokers
  • Marketers, and more. 

The idea here is not to sell anything but to solve common industry challenges and increase productivity.

  1. Partner Showcase Pages

An example of a partner showcase page is the AppExchange Partner Showcase Page in the previous section. It can either 

  • Help you create a separate page for all partnering businesses, creating a digital entity out of it, or
  • Create a separate page for all partnering owners that will work on the venture

With these pages, the goal is to share content about your relationship with each other and how you are working together to help customers.

  1. Initiative Showcase Pages
the stevens initiative at the aspen institute linkedin showcase page example

Source: LinkedIn

Want to highlight the charity you started or the non-profit corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative you took (or may be planning to take)? Initiative showcase pages, such as the one shown above, are designed specifically for those, and the objective is to create PR for your efforts. The initiatives could be anything, ranging from creating a shelter to the new for-profit construction you started working on. 

When Should You Make a Showcase Page?

Should you create a LinkedIn showcase page every time you partner with someone, take a new initiative, are about to host an event, or have a new flagship product? Wouldn’t that be like creating a new page more or less every other Monday?

Just because the feature is available and has been successful for others, it doesn’t mean it would be the right fit for your business. Before you start making a LinkedIn showcase page for yourself, answer the following questions:

  1. Are you just looking for insights on how your page is performing? If yes, you don’t necessarily need a showcase page. The company page also offers page analytics. 
  2. Do you want to promote company-wide or product-specific updates? For company-wide or general updates, you don’t need a showcase page. Only create one if you want to boost a specific product. 
  3. Do you want people to ask questions about a specific product or general products? For general questions, stick with the company page. 
  4. Do you have similar products and you don’t want to differentiate them? If so, you should be fine with the company page. 
  5. Do you want one product to stand out from the rest, or think that it is too different from others? If so, a showcase page would be well-suited here.
  6. Do you have more than one buyer persona, and do you want to target them individually? If yes, showcase pages will serve you better. 
  7. Can you commit a portion of your resources to the showcase page for the long term? If not, you shouldn’t make a showcase page. Remember, nothing is worse than an empty showcase page. 
Southwest 2016 linkedin showcase page

Source: LinkedIn

If your business revolves around just one or similar products, if you don’t have enough resources, or the product’s life isn’t long enough to warrant a ‘long-term’ page, you shouldn’t make a new page. 

Remember, each showcase page requires you to write unique content, and the page will take some time to get some traction. Failure to see it through for the long run will result in a costly call on your end—and ultimately, not being able to grow your LinkedIn community like you want to. 

Pros & Cons of LinkedIn Showcase Pages

Here are some of the good and the bad that showcase pages offer. Consider these benefits and the disadvantages carefully before deciding whether it is worth creating a page or not. 

Pros Cons
Extensions of your company page. Takes a lot of work – you start from scratch for each page
Better SEO optimization opportunity No more user recommendations
Better engagement with the community You may have to reconfigure your whole content strategy
Ability to target specific buyer personas  
Targeted advertisement*  
Ability to cater to a broader market  

*It is important to note that the ability to target very specific customers via targeted content might seem a bit intrusive to some. 

statista targeted ads graphic

Source: Statista

As the chart shows, millennials and Gen Z are more tolerant of targeted marketing than the rest.

How to Make a Showcase Page

Before you jump into creating your own showcase page, you need to have a business page. Notice how there is always an ‘Affiliate Page’ at the right-hand side of every Showcase page? 

Adobe Creative Cloud LinkedIn showcase page example

Source: LinkedIn

This is the main company page behind the said showcase. 

If you don’t have a business page already, you can simply create one by clicking on Work at the top right corner and Create a Company Page in the list that shows up.

LinkedIn Business Services screenshot

Source: LinkedIn

Once the page is set up and ready, click on the Admin Tools menu in the ribbon towards the right. 

A Beginner's Guide to LinkedIn Showcase Pages

In the dropdown, select Create Showcase Page

LinkedIn Admin tools screenshot

You will see a pop-up asking you for the name of your new Showcase page and the URL you want to set. Note that as you type your page’s name, the URL section will fill up automatically as well. 

Create a business LinkedIn showcase page screenshot

Click on the Create Page button. If it is still not blue, check for any characters in your showcase page name that aren’t allowed. 

Upon clicking the button, you will be welcomed by a new screen. 

Build your linked in showcase page screenshot

Here, you will need to upload your page logo, select the industry, company size, and connect the page to your website (optional). You will also need to add a cover image that will go on the top of your feed. Make sure the image is catchy, as it will serve as a welcome to visitors. 

Pro-tip: Use a graphic design tool to ace the quality of your images.

Happy people or an animated happy animal usually get a very good message across, but at the end of the day, the choice is yours. 

linkedin showcase page cover photo screenshot

Click on Edit Page, and you will be greeted with another pop-up. 

linkedin showcase page overview screenshot

You can see a lot of self-explanatory options here. Those with “*” next to it are necessary before you proceed to the next step. 

Tip: Feel free to add keywords and any catchphrases you want your page to be known by. The LinkedIn search engine checks the name and description just the same when listing results.

Click on Page Info for now if you are in a hurry and upload an image, type in the name, and add a tagline. Again, this is when you get to be creative and use keywords creatively. 

Click on Buttons and customize them as you like. Type in a call to action here and a URL that this button should lead to. If you don’t feel like creating a button right now, though, feel free to turn off the “Custom Button” setting. 

linkedin showcase cta call to action screenshot

As you edit your button, you can see what your button looks like below. You can also turn on suggestions if you like from LinkedIn. Some of these suggestions include:

  1. Sign up 
  2. Contact Us
  3. Register Now
  4. Visit the Website, and so on. 

Once done, move on to the Overview category. 

You can write up to 2,000 characters here for the description. Include as many keywords as you’d like without overstuffing them. You should have professionals do this if you aren’t sure about what to write or how to optimize it. 

Here, you will also be able to add your phone line number, email address, website, and other contact details before adding your Location. In the next tab, you get to add the location of your business. Note that this isn’t a compulsory addition, hence making it e-commerce-friendly. 

If you have more than one address, click on +Add a Location

Based on what your niche is, you may be asked a few more or fewer things. For example, if your page has the potential to create a community, you will need to add hashtags and featured groups, as can be seen in the screenshot above. 

When choosing your hashtags, it is a good practice to involve keywords, but don’t forget about the trends. Basing your hashtags on your niche trends is more important than keywords.

Key Things to Remember

  1. You can only create up to 10 showcase pages per business
  2. The standard size of the image you should use is 1536 x 768 pixels. 
  3. The best keyword density for an unsaturated market is 1-2%. For a saturated market niche, it is 3%. 
  4. Don’t just list your services; spotlight them. Explain them in detail and make them more appealing. 
  5. You can only link a showcase page to one company page at a time.
  6. Keep on posting new content regularly and don’t be scared to be innovative with your LinkedIn post ideas to show LinkedIn that you aren’t out of the game. 

Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Showcase Pages SEO-Ready

Optimization practices for LinkedIn are different from Google. From the keyword density to when and where they are used, it is all slightly different.

For LinkedIn, relevance is everything. It is a professional platform, and so, you must maintain a professional aesthetic while using as many keywords as possible. Infographics, charts, study references, and research are considered gold mines, while digital PR and videos may not be as effective. Influencer marketing remains a big red flag for LinkedIn. 

share of respondents graph screenshot

When creating your LinkedIn showcase pages, keep the following in mind:

  • Keep posting relevant content.
  • Create backlinks, but make sure they appeal to LinkedIn’s professional aesthetic.
  • Publish posts regularly. If you post 2 articles and 3 posts a week, keep that schedule up. 
  • Expand your network. Connect – don’t wait to be connected with. 
  • Maintain at least 95% profile completion. It is better if you achieve 100% completion. 
  • Name images when uploading. For best results, when renaming files and adding metas, include keywords. 
  • Don’t forget to use hashtags. Yes, they are also considered professional now. 

Tools to Help Support Your LinkedIn Showcase Pages

The more content you publish, the better off your showcase pages will be. However, posting every day might not be possible – especially not without having to bear a lot of expenses. The content you create needs to be actionable, insightful, and fulfill search engine requirements for EATing, i.e.:

  • Must express Expertise, i.e., must be written by an expert 
  • Be Authoritative and 
  • Be Trustworthy

These three traits can only be acquired by maintaining a steady publishing pace for posts, infographics, and articles alike. Showcase pages are particularly under the microscope by consumers, competitors, search engines, and LinkedIn itself as it signifies direct contact between the company and LinkedIn’s users.

eclincher has years of industry experience and an in-depth understanding of LinkedIn SEO and Showcase pages. Let us help you make creating and maintaining showcase pages easy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a LinkedIn Showcase Page?

A LinkedIn Showcase Page is a dedicated page on LinkedIn that allows companies to highlight specific brands, products, or initiatives, separate from their main company page, and engage with a targeted audience.

How can I create a LinkedIn Showcase Page?

To create a LinkedIn Showcase Page, you need to have a company page first. Once you have a company page, go to the “Admin Center,” click on “Showcase Pages,” and then select “Create Showcase Page” to set up a new page for your specific brand or initiative.

What are the benefits of having a LinkedIn Showcase Page?

Having a LinkedIn Showcase Page can help you tailor your content and messaging to specific target audiences, showcase your brand’s unique offerings, and increase engagement by providing a more focused and personalized experience for your followers.

Looking Down the Sights – Ready to Target the Right Audience?

You know how they ask you to ‘look down the sights for better aim? Think of Showcase pages as the red dot sight that helps you target about 10 different buyer personas separately; be it for the same or different product/service.Ensuring consistency, avoiding plagiarism, and providing quality, optimized content between different showcase pages is key to creating a perfect page. Want to step up your social media game? Book a private demo and see how we can help you create a unique brand out of every showcase you create, hence improving conversions and your bottom line in the process!

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