Facebook Audit - 10 Things to Check During Your Audit

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Fact: Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms for brands to market themselves on. For this reason, it’s important for businesses to strategize, plan, and review their online presence and marketing efforts. This helps you to remain relevant and impactful. Conducting a Facebook audit should not only be done once but as often as you see fit. To help your business page be at its top form, here are 10 things to ensure you're during the next time you run a Facebook audit.

Keep Your Profile Complete, Accurate, and Public

Your profile should tell people who you are, what you’ve done, and what you can do in as detailed a way as possible. Be in the category that embodies what your brand is all about. Finally, fill out your company overview, about, and story sections.

eclincher facebook story

Your about section should include a brief description and your tagline. Your story is where you can talk about how you started, your accomplishments, and your mission and vision. Include company information like your website, business hours, contact details, office locations, important names and dates, employee information, and other essential details your followers need to know. Also, optimize your Facebook ads budget to increase ROI!

The minute you change any of these, make sure you update the info on your page. Include links to your website, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and other social accounts that can give visitors more information about your business. Review and make sure all details are filled out in their entirety. Remember, a complete and up-to-date profile shows professionalism and legitimacy.

You only get once chance to make a first impression on people who visit your page. Make it a good one.

Customize, Optimize, and Verify

Once you’ve hit about 30 followers, change your Facebook username to something more unique. Note that this can only be done once, so you have to think hard about this. Choose a name that will best represent your whole business, including its story and personality. Ditch the unnecessary numbers, letters, and characters that will only make the name seem unprofessional.

This name should be simple, easy to remember, and uniform across all of your accounts. When directing people to your Facebook page, use the shortcut "fb.com/username" instead of "facebook.com/username" to help people find you more easily.

Similarly, your logo, profile picture, and cover photo should capture new followers and sustain them once they’re on your page. Make sure that these are not only eye-catching and memorable but also clear symbols of your business name and nature. Follow the guidelines set by Facebook to ensure that these images are properly sized, cropped, and optimized.

And finally, nothing else says you are the real deal quite like having the checkmark. Once you’re set up and settled in, get your business page verified. This is an important step in your Facebook audit.

Indicate a Clear and Simple Call-to-Action

Create an excellent first impression with your call-to-action (CTA). Move them to "sign up" for your newsletter if you’re looking to grow your email list. Encourage them to "learn more" about your business and drive them to an updated landing page. Let them try your products or experience your service with the "try now" or "play now" buttons. Looking to increase your sales? Inspire people to check your offerings and ultimately avail them with "shop now" or "buy now" links.

Remember, your CTA should get people involved actively and immediately. This will be instrumental in turning page visitors and followers into customers and consumers. Be sure to review our facebook ads copy tips & tricks!

Create a Content Calendar

Publishing content regularly and consistently can help improve your performance. However, this doesn’t mean you have post all the time. To effectively publish and share content, you need a content calendar to plan in advance which content to post on what days and times. It will help you avoid duplicated posts and easily monitor metrics. It'll also help you by identifying when your followers are active, determining their peak times, and figuring out how often posting and sharing should be done.

Furthermore, a content calendar will keep your team accountable and aligned by knowing their specific assignments, output deadlines, content rules and guidelines, and other important information. With a well-curated content calendar, you can even set your desired posting time to make sure that your content goes live as scheduled. This is something you can easily do using Eclincher, reducing the time you need to spend managing your social media.

Your next Facebook audit should indeed include a thorough review of your calendar. This is a must!

Hook People With Engaging Content

Excellent content keeps people talking about you, coming back to your page, and ultimately, spending money on your brand. To create perfect Facebook content, you have to know your brand and customers inside and out. Align your content with the products, services, and audiences you have. Share news and stories about your industry and teach people about new things. Encourage conversations with tips, lists, and advice, or entertain them with creative and visually appealing posts.

Reebok knows how to get people's attention.

Make things even more personal by setting up albums of company events, teasers of new product lines, or a collection of reviews from your followers. Keep things interesting with your how-to videos, fun activities, and exciting events, all of which can help increase your page’s engagements.

Lastly, grow your audience and get extra exposure on others’ Facebook pages by tagging accordingly and allowing your own page to be tagged.

Look Fashionable Online

Grab your visitors’ attention as soon as they land on your Facebook page with high-quality and high-resolution content. Make sure you look "fashionable" by having a consistent design for your posts and an aesthetically-pleasing feed. Follow the right dimensions and guidelines, include clear descriptions, and specify CTAs for all your posts.

Show your audience that you stay updated with the platform’s features by leveraging job posts for open opportunities, activating notes for updates and announcements, or using Facebook Live to broadcast events. You can even update your cover image and now use a video for more interactive storytelling. Maximize your presence by using company-branded images or adding your logo to your content.

Keep in mind that your brand’s Facebook page will show how authentic you are and will be instrumental in growing your business’s online following.

Connect With Your Customers

Satisfied customers become the heart and fuel of your business. Set a schedule within your team for the checking and monitoring of page engagements. Answer people’s questions or respond to their reviews quickly, accurately, and positively. Not getting any of these yet? Motivate your page visitors to leave their comments with a simple token in return. Getting negative feedback? Reply to these appropriately and calmly.

Reach out to your audience often, and through polls, surveys, and fun quizzes, ask them what interests them. Align your content with their needs or based on their responses. The goal is to leave your customers with the impression that you listen to them and that they matter to you.

Starbucks does this very well.

starbucks facebook post

Interact With Other Brands and Maximize Connections

Facebook is a place where people and businesses thrive through the encouragement and support of others. Take time to engage with other business pages by liking, sharing, and leaving valuable comments on their posts. Additionally, connect with pages whose products and services relate to or can supplement your offerings. Sending them a personal message regarding how your brands can work together.

Encourage team members to like and comment on your business page using their personal accounts. Maximize your connections and personally invite influencers, bloggers, relatives, and friends to interact with your page’s posts. All of these can help your page’s engagement level. This is an important thing to look out for during your next Facebook audit.

Know Where You Stand

Like all other marketing efforts, it's important to check and monitor how your business is doing. And on Facebook, there are several metrics that show how people engage with your content and your profile.

Fortunately, there is Facebook Metrics to help monitor your brand’s reach and Facebook Insights to understand your followers’ interactions per content. Plus, you'll get additional insights through your Eclincher account.

Allot time to know more about your target market and to ensure that the audiences you’re setting up are appropriate for your business. Review the Facebook Ads Guide to guarantee that your posts are displayed properly and are aligned with the platform's policies. Do A/B testing for your images and schedule a regular review of your ads to monitor what works well and to improve on what doesn’t.

The bottom line is that you'll want to have to best possible return (ROI) for all your efforts and investments.

Be Open to Changes and Adjustments

Importantly, do regular checkups to ensure that your Facebook ads are performing at their best. Make sure that your active campaigns and their objectives are still aligned with your business goals. Your content should be up-to-date with market trends to avoid drop-offs in sales, subscriptions, and conversions. Be ready to update, rebrand, or change your image if your current strategies are no longer delivering. Revisit the kind of content you’re posting and its frequency. Then, adjust according to the data and insights that you've gathered. Reevaluate the current audience sets and tweak these as needed.


Without a doubt, these small changes can help your business page stay at its top form.

There you have it: 10 things to check the next time you run a Facebook audit to assess your efforts and help identify your next steps. Now you have everything you need to become your very own Facebook auditing expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to do a Facebook profile audit?

When it comes to doing a Facebook profile audit, there are really only two things you need to keep in mind: accuracy and consistency. For accuracy, make sure that the information on your profile is up-to-date and accurate. As for consistency, you want to make sure that the information on your profile matches what potential employers or clients will see if they Google you.

What is in a social media audit?

A good social media audit will help you do just that - here are some things you should expect out of this review:

1) An assessment of your current presence in terms of followers, fan engagement, and other relevant metrics. This can include analyzing which platforms provide the highest returns versus costs.
2) A breakdown and analysis on what content gets the strongest response from customers/potential customers so that you can better optimize future posts.
3) A comparison between past campaigns and their performance with room for improvement or changing tactics where necessary.
4) Final insights on how to maximize reach by optimizing your existing channels as well as suggesting new ones or outlets if needed.

Is social audit mandatory?

No, social audit is not mandatory. That said, it's still a good idea to perform one. Think of it as a health check for your digital presence and brand perception - something with great potential value if done correctly.

Final Thoughts

By now you should see the value in a Facebook Audit. Take the time to follow these steps and ensure your profile is optimized as best it can be! Trust me, your audience will love it & you will see the results in no time. Social media is the future and is worth your time and effort!

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