3 Coolest Ways to Make a Chatbot

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3 Coolest Ways to Make a Chatbot

Chatbots are everywhere... they are on your phone, they are on your computer, they are on the sofa drinking your beer... well, maybe they haven't gone that far yet. But they are close to it!

Keep those beers safe guys...

Chatbots are so cool that they make us want to jump right in and use them for our business. And why not? Research shows that messaging apps are used much more than social media (even Instagram selfies).

So how do you make a chatbot for your business?

If you are not a coder don’t be overwhelmed - there are several great ways to build chatbots that require no coding whatsoever.

1. Hire a chatbot company

There are several companies that build chatbots for business, sometimes for one specific industry, sometimes for several. One good example is Chatobook, which makes chatbots for restaurants. They have everything ready - from a customized menu, ability to order, to a CRM of all the orders and customers on the backend.



  • You get all the features that you want
  • Super easy to install
  • Will work from day 1


  • Will cost you a small fee (might be monthly or percentage of profits)
  • Will not be fully customized to what you want

2. Use a template

BotMakers is a company that sells pre-made chatbot templates that you can buy and connect to your website. The snapshot below shows a ready-made fashion ecommerce bot.



  • You have all the features you need
  • You have different designs to choose from


  • Will cost you a small fee
  • You might need to figure out how to install it

3. Design your own bot

How do you design your own chatbot without coding? Use ChatFuel, which allows you to create a chatbot from scratch for absolutely free. It might not look as finished as going with a service or buying a template, but it will definitely be your own.


That's the beauty of Chatbots, that there are so many people that joined that space in such a short time that there are numerous ways to build your own bot.


  • Absolutely free
  • Easy to install
  • Customize it to your liking


  • You will have to add the features you want yourself
  • You will have to figure out best practices by yourself

Before you decide on which option is best for you I would recommend going online and looking at different examples of bots in your industry. You can find the most comprehensive list of chatbots on BotList.

Cheers =)

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