Entrepreneur Spotlight: Growth Hack Your Content Marketing Strategy

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Mudit Jain from TalkersCode.com ceo and founder twitter profile

Meet Mudit Jain, he is a young entrepreneur that is the Founder and CEO of Talkers Code, a popular site with over 100,000 monthly visitors and a large library of free tutorials on programming and web design.He has a super smart content marketing strategy of offering huge amounts of free content, in the form of tutorials. People can go on his site and learn how to code literally for free. And he has built this out to 170k monthly page views in just 2 years (wow!!!), using the combination of content and offering sponsored reviews for new tech tools and platforms (Check out the review he did on eClincher here). But I will let him tell you his story:

How old is the company and what are you hoping to achieve with it? 

We are about 2 years old, we started on 5 February 2015, with a dream of providing every person the ability to learn web development, for free. Our tutorials are free for everyone to learn, and that's what makes us unique. We have over 400 tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery, and MYSQL. We are also planning to provide tutorials on some more languages like android, java, python in the futureWe will planning to introduce one more section called Blogging which includes helpful tutorials on SEO, Blogging, Internet Marketing, Social Media  Marketing, Make Money Online and some other categories.These tutorials will help newbies who want to increase their website traffic and make money online

How do you use Social Media to grow your business?

We mostly use Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. Twitter plays an important role in our growth, we get more loyal readers and get more exposure as a brand. Twitter is very good for anyone who wants to be established as a brand.

What advice to you want to give young entrepreneurs?

The only advice we want to give to all the young entrepreneurs is that if you want to do something in life don't take shortcuts, do the hard work and please be patient because success takes time. Trust yourself and your vision and do the  hard work to achieve success.Mudit reached out to us on Twitter, eClincher is a micro-influencer in the social media category, and ofcourse we said yes we want to partner together to make content. So I think Mudit is using 3 Super important strategies in his business:

Strategy 1 - Use Social Media to Connect with Influencers

Mudit relies on Twitter heavily to find micro influencers that will be interested in having him review their product, like us. Then these brands share the reviews and their audiences go on his site and discover the free tutorials. So he is siphoning those audiences and offering them his content for free. It's a win-win formula because the influencers get more recognition and he gets all the traffic.

Strategy 2 - Post a Ton of Evergreen Content

All of the TalkersCode tutorials are evergreen, meaning always relevant, because people will always want to learn coding and webdesign (until we have AI that does it all for us). It is also perfect for search engine optimization because it has a lot of keywords that people frequently search for. So every time he gets an outbound link on a microinfluencer's site all of his content receives a higher ranking on google (as you outbound links number goes up every piece of content ranks higher).

Strategy 3 - Offer Content for Free

The best part about his site is that all of the tutorials are free. Just the fact that everything is free builds so much trust with his audience. Anybody from anywhere in the world can click on his site and learn something. So you automatically want to give back, learn more, participate. The tutorials are also really clear, easy to learn, and highly detailed. The combination of quality, relevant, and free content is the key to his success.

learn free web design and coding tutorials

Mudit Jain proves that if you have the grind then you will succeed. If you want to learn more about content marketing check out this article that the key metric that you need to follow.Tune in next week for another installment of our Entrepreneur Spotlight Series,If you want to be our next entrepreneur, or have someone in mind for us to interview, please email me at ben@eclincher.comBen Kazinik (@eclincherrocks) is an inbound marketer for eClincher, the world’s most powerful social media management platform. He enjoys hiking, cooking, soccer, and visiting his family around the world. Email me at – ben@eclincher.com ?

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