How to Grow Your Facebook Audience

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With nearly 1 billion daily active users, Facebook is definitely the most used social network worldwide. Often overlooked however is the value Facebook brings to businesses. Customers now expect ALL businesses to be on Facebook, so follow the steps below to improve your presence on Facebook:

  • Fill out your profile completely: It is important to have all the necessary elements of your profile completed. These include the About section, your profile images, a cover photo, a Call-to-Action button, and Tabs directing Fans to other social networks, blogs, etc.
Social Media Bio
  • Begin Posting Consistently: The ideal number of posts per day is between 1 and 3. In order to decide the exact number of posts you should share, experiment with different frequencies and track the results with analytics.
  • Invite your friends to “Like” your page: Facebook makes it easy for Page Admins to invite their friends, from their personal account, to Like their business page. Though you can invite all of your friends, it is probably not the best idea to request everyone. Instead, choose only people that you truly think will be interested in your business.
  • Respond to or like all comments: Engagement should be your number one goal on Facebook and social media in general. Once your Fans start engaging, be sure to respond to them. Nothing drives away Fans like being ignored.
  • Customize your Facebook website address: Custom Facebook website addresses become available when you reach 25 page likes. To change your website address, click on About and then click Edit in the Facebook Web Address section.
Custom Facebook URL
  • Share your Facebook page via networks and email
  • Spend a little bit of money on paid Facebook Ads: Organic reach on Facebook is dropping by the day. This is not all bad news though. Facebook's paid targeting options allow businesses of all sizes the ability to promote their content to highly interested individuals.
  • Add Facebook buttons to your website: For more information on how to add Facebook buttons to your website, click here.
Facebook Button
  • Run Contests: Be aware that some users will unlike your page once the contest is over, so analyze the retention of likes before running another contest

How have you continued to grow your Facebook Page, despite the decline in organic reach? Let us know in the comment section below!

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