How to Grow Your Twitter Following

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Twitter is no longer an option, but instead a necessity for businesses. Studies show that nearly 50% of customers expect businesses to respond to tweets within 1 hour. Customer service has always been crucial for business success and Twitter has become the new customer service desk.Creating and maintaining a business Twitter account will improve customer service, provide unprecedented access to customers and increase brand awareness. Follow the tips below to start growing your new or existing Twitter account:

  • Fill out your Profile Completely: Make sure you upload a Profile image and Cover photo, as well as an informative Bio, Website URL and Location. Including a few relevant hashtags in your Bio will increase the chances of your profile being found.
eClincher Twitter
  • Begin posting quality content consistently: Do not Tweet 15x per day for a week and then post only 2x a day the next week. Consistency will greatly increase effectiveness. Use a scheduling tool such as eClincher to spread out your posts and easily view how many posts you are sharing per day.
  • Attach relevant images to posts: Posts with images are 2x more likely to be Retweeted than posts with text only. Use tools like Canva to design high quality, perfectly sized images.
  • Follow up to 100 new people per day: influencers, friends, family, etc.
  • Follow back all real accounts that follow you: Avoid following obvious spam accounts
  • Search for relevant hashtags and keywords: Easy way to find potential leads, great content to share and engage in conversations
  • Manage your following-to-followers ratio weekly: Go through the list of users that you are following weekly and unfollow users that are not following you
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase reach: 1 to 3 hashtags per post is the ideal amount per post. Make sure you are using relevant hashtags, not just the most popular ones.
  • Credit the originator of the content by tagging them in your tweet: Aside from being courteous, it increases the chances of them retweeting your post to their followers
Twitter Tricks
  • Join related conversations: join Twitter chats, answer questions and build relationships
  • Create Twitter Lists: Lists allow you to group together Twitter users based on common interests, expertise, etc. Also a great way to monitor accounts for content without following them, such as major news sites.
  • Thank people when they share your content: A simple thank you can go a long way. When you thank people for sharing your content, also ask them what they liked about it. This will help you to get a better understanding of what your audience wants, so you can optimize your content.

Implementing these strategies has helped us to grow our Twitter account by nearly 300% in the past year. Start trying them out today to see what works for you and your audience.Did we any forget tips/tricks? Let us know in the comment section below!

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