Our Most Shared Blog Posts of 2015

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eClincher Best Blog Posts

In 2015 we made content creation a crucial part of our marketing strategy. Throughout the year we kept up a posting schedule of 2-3 blog posts per week and saw amazing results. Our website traffic increased nearly 300% and we saw several of our blog posts garner 500+ shares on social media.

In case you missed any of our most shared blog posts last year, you can check them out here. If you find them helpful, please feel free to share them some more!

5. How To Write Shareworthy Headlines: Tips, Tricks and Tools

blogging tips

What do you spend more time on? Creating your blog post content (the body) or writing your headline? If you answered the latter, you are on the right track. Your headline is arguably the most import aspect of your content. It is what will attract readers, it is what will be shared on social media and it is a major factor in your search engine ranking.

In this post we discuss tips, trick and tools that will help you write headlines that people can’t help but share.

4. Influencer Marketing: The Secret Behind Some of Today’s Most Popular Companies

social media management tool

Influencer marketing dominated social media in 2015. If you aren’t exactly sure what influencer marketing is, just know that it certainly affected a purchase you made in 2015. In this post we dove into the basics of what influencer marketing is, as well as showcased a few case studies of companies that successfully executed influencer marketing campaigns. If you find this post interesting, be sure to check out part two of this series: Influencer Marketing: How To Find The Perfect Influencers For Your Brand.

3. 9 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Be On Social Media

social media for business

With the introduction of our Individual Plan, we began to see a lot of entrepreneurs using our tool as a way to help build their personal brand. To respond to this demand, we began to produce several pieces of content directed towards our entrepreneur demographic. We wrote about personal branding and bootstrapping your way to success, but this particular post far exceeded our expectations.

If you are an entrepreneur, we highly recommend you check out this post. The responses we received in the form of comments all had one common theme: this post is simple enough to be understood by all, but powerful enough to be implemented immediately for results.

2. 22 Social Media Experts Share Their Bold Predictions for 2016 and Beyond

social media marketing 2016

Wondering what key trends will dominate social media in 2016? If so, this is the post for you. We were lucky enough to be able to talk with 22 of the brightest marketing minds and get their predictions for the upcoming years. This post is jam packed with valuable information, so it is no mystery why it was such a popular post.

1. 10 Ways eClincher Can Make You A Better Twitter Marketer

twitter marketing

As you may know, we created a social media management tool to make it easier for businesses to manage their different social media accounts. At the beginning of 2015 we wrote a blog post outlining some of the ways our tool could benefit a marketer using Twitter.

The result? The post went viral and has been driving consistent traffic to our site for nearly 12 straight months. This post is a perfect example of how a blog post can drive continual traffic for months or even years.

Final Thoughts

In 2015 we saw our blog go from an infant stage to a well established resource for online marketing insight. None of this would have been possible without all of our amazing readers. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank all of you for the continued support.

Have suggestions for topics you would like us to cover? Feel free to comment them below and we will pick the best ones!

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