These 5 Tips Can Turn Social Media Leads into Actual Sales Stats

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Studies have shown that social media is an excellent way to get exposure for a business. This kind of market makes it very attractive to small business owners: social media posting can put them in the same realm as big name companies for little to no cost.But this is only dealing with exposure, and exposure doesn’t immediately equal lead generation. Social media effectiveness works in a sort of pyramid formation. You’ll see a lot of exposure, quite a few leads if you work at it, but the sales numbers won’t be very big until you’ve been in the game for quite a while. Companies can see little to no increase in sales until they’ve been posting content regularly for years sometimes.But don’t be discouraged. You can see this statistic increase if you know how to turn leads into sales, which is a very necessary trait in the world of marketing. Sales is a very common falter point for a lot of small businesses in reality: they know how to do all the other stuff involved with setting up a sales pitch, but the actual number generating is where they fall flat.

Part of the problem is a lack of interest in the effort it takes to actually sell a product or service. Even though this is the digital age, people remain very much impressed by more physical and outward expressions of sales pitching.

Consumers want face-to-face and real presentations, human demonstrations and more personal connections. Business is losing the more human element, and people appreciate that human element.Overall, the best advice is that a marketing strategy should incorporate a solid call to action into its schema, but this is becoming more and more lost with the times. Advertising now-a-days is very wishy-washy. Marketers don’t want to feel like they’re forcing a consumer base to do something they don’t want to do, effectively turning them off of a brand because of aggressive sales pitching. The talent in making a good call to action is finding a decent middle ground.

Calls to action are very much like a firmly asked question. You’re giving someone the option to say “yes” or “no,” but you’re wording it in a way that more leans to the former answer. If you’re worried about being too aggressive in your stance, remember that it’s better to attempt at all than to be meek and have almost no chance of getting a bite on your hook.If you’re looking for better ways to start making sales from your leads, try these five methods to better increase your chances of sealing the deal.

Always follow up with calls to action.

So you think you might have been shot down by a potential lead but you’re not 100% sure. The most common response to a non-responsive potential client or customer is to simply keep sending out emails or pitches until maybe one sticks. The problem here is that they ignored your first email, your second email, your third, your fourth, your fifth. What makes you think they’ll finally respond on your tenth? Instead of throwing stock phrases at the wall and seeing what sticks, try for something more personal and questioning. What can you do to help this relationship along? How can you get their business?

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