Guide: 7 Steps to Create a Quora Ad Campaign

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In today's digital landscape, harnessing the power of platforms like Quora to reach and engage with your target audience can make a significant difference in your marketing strategy.

Whether you're looking to increase brand visibility, drive website traffic, or establish yourself as an industry expert, Quora's unique question-and-answer format provides a remarkable opportunity.

In this guide, we'll walk you through step-by-step instructions, from setting up your account to crafting compelling ad content and optimizing for the best results. Get ready to unlock the potential of Quora advertising and take your marketing efforts to new heights.

What Is Quora?

Quora is super cool. It started as a great way for people to answer questions but quickly developed into a platform where people can share their stories and experiences. It's specifically used by B2B marketers to get leads and customers and forge new partnerships.

We know you might be thinking, “What is this? Why should I take the time to learn about another tool?”. Keep reading; this is going to blow your mind.

Quora is an online service where people can ask questions about different topics and receive a response from the community. The platform has about 100 million monthly users, and it's growing steadily.
The goal of Quora is that each page of questions becomes the best possible resource for people who want to know about a particular topic. Quora allows users to create pages about certain topics to get answers from different sources.

What gives credibility to Quora is the fact that it has publishers who read and control messages to maintain quality. It also has options to vote for the best and worst answers, in order to discourage users who make silly or offensive publications. Also, to ensure the quality of the sources, it’s mandatory for users to use real names and provide a brief description of why they are trained to answer questions.

What Are The Benefits Of Running Quora Ads?

Here is a list of the 5 main benefits of running ads on Quora.

  1. Highly Targeted Audience: Quora's platform allows you to target your ads based on specific topics, questions, and user behavior, ensuring your message reaches a relevant and engaged audience.
  2. Engagement Opportunities: Quora's question-and-answer format provides a unique opportunity to engage with users seeking valuable information, allowing you to establish yourself as an industry expert and build trust with potential customers.
  3. Brand Visibility: By promoting your content alongside relevant questions, you can increase your brand's visibility and awareness among a community actively seeking knowledge and solutions.
  4. Website Traffic: Quora ads can drive quality traffic to your website, helping you attract potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services.
  5. Lead Generation: Engaging with users through thoughtful answers and targeted ads can lead to higher-quality leads, as you're connecting with users who are actively seeking solutions that your business can provide.

How To Use Quora

In Quora users can search by topics, people, or specific questions and follow up on each one. Once you define what interests you, you will receive information about it and you can vote or discredit responses. Of course, the first thing you’ll have to do is set up your account. Here are the steps to running Quora ads:

  1. Sign Up
  2. Manage your ads dashboard
  3. Plug in your billing information
  4. Create your first Quora ad campaign
  5. Set a campaign budget
  6. Create an ad set to target their right audience
  7. Create your ad

1. Sign up

first, you need to go to this link and set your business information. Just the basic information, like the name of your business, addresses, phone number, etc.


Once you’re in Quora Ads, you will see your dashboard, the Ad Manager. It looks like this:


2. Manage your ads dashboard

In the dashboard, you’ll be able to see the metrics and performance of your campaigns. You can see all your active and inactive ad campaigns, the impressions and how much money you have spent in this campaign. As you can see in the example, the inversion drove to 260 clicks in the ad. You can also find columns with information like your campaign name, impressions, clicks, CTR, cost per click, conversions, spend and your remaining budget.

3. Plug in your billing information

This is a very important step. Once you set your business information, you’ll have access to the dashboard you see in the screenshot, but your campaigns will not run until you set your billing information. Just go to the top panel and click on “Billing” to add your credit card or payment method.


4. Create your first Quora ad campaign

Once you update billing it's time to create your first campaign. First, click on the button “Create Campaign” in the top right corner of the page.


Then, name your campaign. After you chose an amazing name for your campaign you need to choose an objective. Quora offers two options for this: Conversions and App Installs.


Remember that after you set an objective, the only way to change it it’s by creating a brand new campaign.

5. Set a campaign budget

This is where you enter the amount you prepared for this particular campaign. You can enter a Daily Maximum Budget or a Lifetime Budget. The first one is to specify the amount allowed to spend per day, and the second is the total amount for the whole duration of the campaign.

6. Create an ad set to target their right audience

Now you have to create your Ad set. In this section, it’s where the targeting is going to happen. First, you need to name your ad set. Then, enter the topics your campaign it’s meant for. Quora allows you to manually input these topics.

Pro tip: if you are not so sure about the topics or if they’ll work for you, you can select a bunch of them to test them and see how it goes.

The next step here it’s to keep adding information that you may want to use in your campaign, like keywords. Enter all the keywords that will help your ad be visible to the people you are trying to target. You can also add or exclude any locations where your ad will be shown. 


7. Create your ad


It’s important to know that Quora has high standards for their ads, so you have to follow certain rules and guidelines. You can find them here Policies and Guidelines and Rules and Policies. After you finish creating your ad, you need to follow a few more steps.

First, add your landing pages and URL destinations. Keep in mind that your destination URL must work fine in all browsers. Then, you can add a “Call to action”. Quora offers you a variety of options:


Finally, you can see your ad preview before you release it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I consider advertising on Quora?

Quora offers a vast user base actively seeking information, making it a prime platform to connect with engaged users, build brand authority, and drive targeted traffic to your website.

How do I set up my Quora ad account?

Start by creating a business account on Quora, then navigate to the Ads Manager to set up your ad campaign, define your audience, and establish your campaign objectives.

What types of ad formats are available on Quora?

Quora offers Text Ads and Promoted Answers. Text Ads appear alongside users' questions, while Promoted Answers let you feature your own answers to relevant questions with a broader reach.

How can I optimize my Quora ad campaign for success?

Focus on crafting compelling and relevant ad content, targeting specific topics and audiences, monitoring performance metrics, testing different ad variations, and refining your strategy based on insights for optimal results.


If you've been using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat ads and those work for you, great. If you are a B2B company chances are that you need something more targeted to your specific audience.

Sites like Quora provide a great opportunity for businesses to reach a whole new level of branding and open their doors to new leads. If you want to begin to create campaigns and you read this article, I think you are pretty much ready, so jump in and tell us how your experience was.

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