Mastering 5 Types of Video Content for Marketing Campaigns

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Running an online campaign in today’s internet age has never been relatively so easy.

In the video-first era, marketers found that people loved to watch a plethora of videos every day.

digital marketing 2020

So utilizing video content for marketing campaigns may seem to be the next logical step as you seek to shift your social media marketing strategy.

To put into further perspective, videos made up to 82% of internet traffic in 2020. This means many people absorbed and shared video content any time they were online, adding it to another reason why marketers consider using video as a digital marketing strategy.

So, we have answered the why?

But, what about how?

Let’s dive in.

Mastering 5 Types of Video Content for Marketing Campaigns

Using Video Content Marketing Campaigns

Videos combine both visuals and sound elements to present the context comprehensively. Most of our readers are not social media newbies when it comes to video content for marketing campaigns on social.

Tweaking your current strategy and streamlining efficiencies might just get your video content seen more frequently and by a more diverse audience.

Specifically, short form content video bites allow for your viewers to retain the information and remember the message much more effectively.

In other words, incorporating videos for marketing strategy can eliminate the chance of getting misinformation or misinterpretation over the message.

Thus, it becomes one of the most powerful ways to communicate with potential and current customers.

Marketing videos are common to promote a brand on social media. Given the statistic that internet users enjoy this type of content, many businesses have decided to continue using videos in the long run.

If you log onto any social media channel, more and more video content for marketing campaigns are produced daily.

There are many video solutions on the market to answer the pain-points of any marketer looking to jump into not just creating video content, but even repurposing your video content for marketing campaigns across your channels.

Now, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a HUGE viral following for social audio platforms like Clubhouse! Marketers, imagine taking an organic conversation from Clubhouse and repurposing into a video for YouTube or your podcast. You can even find a podcast about social media to watch!

content marketing statistics for video marketing

Utilizing video content for marketing campaigns might seem like a logical and natural progression for any size business or marketing agency.

That’s because B2B videos have some great advantages for brands (besides the fact that people prefer that type of content), including:

Expanded Brand Awareness

Videos are incredibly shareable. With videos, one piece of content can easily go viral and put your company on the map!

Tip: Make sure your content creates value for your audience. Begin with the end in mind and know what KPIs are important to measure. Make sure to take into account your tone of voice and why you’re making this video content in the first place. Don’t confuse tangible ROI with intangible VOI.

Director of Marketing eclincher

Jenn GuidryDirector of Marketing | eclincher

Therefore, incorporating video content for a marketing campaign can increase the chance of getting more awareness as the audience can simply share the videos on multiple social platforms.

Make sure your CTAs are clear! Remove the friction from your video content and get to the point quickly.

Attract More Traffic To Your Channels

Utilizing video promotion can bring traffic to your site quickly if your content adds value to your audience and is riveting enough to grab their attention.

Technically, search engines include video results on its search page when users enter specific keywords. Connecting great content with SEO is a great recipe to be seen faster than your competitor.

Be transparent with your viewers, stay true to your brand, be who you are. Your video content will get views and maybe they will check your brand out if you solve their pain-points. Take the opportunity to create the right kind of content.

Increase Conversion Rates

Videos are attention-grabbing in nature. Ever watched a toddler play with an iPhone? They know more at the age of 3 than you did probably at age of 15 about how to work technology.

Video is super-charged with opportunities to get the attention of your audience. People love this type of content more than old-fashioned articles and static images.

Videos can show vs tell, opening the floodgates for your viewers to respond to your content immediately. Highly-engaging video marketing helps the audience take action and make decisions. As a result, brands get more conversions from video content.

5 High-Performing Types of Video Content That Work For Marketers

There are many types of long and short-form video content surfacing online. One type of video might be better to help you achieve one specific marketing objective.

Other types of digital video content for marketing campaigns are perfect to attract new customers and are doing an excellent job in convincing viewers to purchase.

Remember when PooPourri came on the scene? Even if you don’t have that kind of budget it’s a great example of a company coming out of nowhere to corner the market and disrupt the video ad industry.

Here are the top five types of marketing videos that you should consider creating to get your business off the ground.

1. Explainer Videos

Does your company use explainer videos? This kind of marketing video will be suitable for a brand looking for the best introductory presentation. SaaS companies are known for utilizing illustrative video content to tell their brand story.

Explainer videos create the problem in the first few seconds and then show how their product or service solves that challenge.

The video is short, character or persona driven, and has a clear CTA (call to action) at the end. Usually, explainer video content uses animation or live-action to showcase the information comprehensively.

More often than not, explainer videos add some animations to allow viewers to understand the complex message quickly. These visuals help the audience relate to the pain-point and get to know the brand without friction.

It’s best to use explainer videos in a trade show or some business event as these videos deliver messages fast. In a remote environment, inject your explainer on your homepage.

The short-length video often comes under two minutes, making it easier for viewers to get the point in a short amount of time.

2. How-to Videos

How-to or tutorial videos for consumers  are great to use when it comes to building an audience. Companies use How-To or Tutorial video content to onboard new customers or help build trust in how to use a product or service.

This type of video content can gather many viewers immediately thanks to its engaging storyline. If you need to raise awareness, utilizing how-to videos is an excellent move.

The procedural strategic  video makes it easier for your content to reach viewership all the way to the end.

The compelling narration will bring them to wonder what will be happening after some sort of action. That’s the reason why tutorials have one of the highest traction over many online videos.

You can incorporate a how-to video by placing the brand promotion aside. Instead, create a good story that might help your audience with your tutorials. However, you’re always welcome to use your brand as part of the video narration in a subtle way.

Add value and reduce friction for your customers and you will win with them.

3. Product Demo Videos

Product videos basically contain any kind of information related to the product or service they promote.

The context can include product features, benefits, and inclusive material that viewers can learn from directly.

The video will be centered around the product itself and generally showcase to the audience what they can use with your product.

Product demos are in-depth content to influence potential customers further. So, they won’t be great to use as a starter video to increase awareness.  

Instead, use demo videos to convert your leads better. You can incorporate as many product demo videos, with each of them presents a wholly different fact about the product or service.

Product unboxing can also make a great demo video as you comprehensively share the actual footage of your service.

Some companies use tools to create screen record or demos over the screen while being able to see the host. For example, eclincher uses Loom to quickly connect to customers through email, over the live 24/7 chat, and even inside eclincher’s social media management tool.

4. Testimonial Videos

Three words.

User Generated Content! It’s easy. Let your customers market for you.

One of the most effective methods to influence potential customers is to produce testimonial videos or customer reviews at scale.

When consumers or other businesses are looking for a new product, solution, or service they often seek out other customer experience reviews when making a buying decision, especially when others have experience with it.

Customer reviews speak from the audience’s perspective.

That’s the reason why others will find it helpful before deciding to go further with a product. This condition is also called social proof, where the society sees each other to back up their reasons.

The benefit of getting testimonial videos is that you can build up your credibility from them. When many people glorify your brands or products, others will see your brand as reputable and not worry about purchasing your products — besides, the stronger your credibility, the higher chance of you getting more customers.

5. Company Culture

A company culture video might seem like an afterthought, but is equally as important as other video content for marketing campaigns you are running.

This highly compelling video holds in-depth information about the brand from an employee’s point of view. It’s super effective when used for hiring the right people in your company.

However, this type of video content can also be a good method to hook potential customers when showcasing your company’s value in general. Many leads are interested in the brand’s culture itself as it suggests how the business works behind the scenes.  

Highlighting a company’s work ethic, mission, values, and differentiation in your space can set you apart from your competition. Hiring the right people is one of the best strategies for growth you can make. Invest in your people and your brand will soar!

You can also attract business leaders or potential partners to work together with you utilizing a company culture video.

After all, brands are front and center in this social and transparent era and a great way for a future employee or partner to get the scoop about where you stand is through a company culture video.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use video content in marketing?

Video content can be a very effective way to market a product or service. Here are a few ways you can use video in your marketing efforts:

1) Promotional videos: These are short, attention-grabbing videos that showcase your product or service and explain its features and benefits.

2) Educational videos: These videos provide value to your audience by teaching them something new or demonstrating how to use your product.

3) Testimonial videos: These videos feature real customers talking about their experiences using your product or service.

What is video marketing strategy?

A video marketing strategy is a plan for using video content to achieve specific marketing goals. To develop a video marketing strategy, you should first determine what you want to achieve with your videos. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can then create a plan to achieve them. This may involve creating different types of videos, such as promotional videos, educational videos, or live videos, and distributing them through various channels, such as your website, social media, or email marketing.

What are types of video content?

There are several different types of video content including Animation,
Stop motion, Mixed media, and Screencast. Some of these are effective for business marketing and other are best for personal brands.


Videos have now become a crucial part in every business marketing strategy. This engaging video helps marketers to get more eyeballs.

Marketing video, however, isn’t something new in the industry.

In fact, many businesses have implemented this strategy and secured huge benefits from it. It’s undoubtedly an excellent method to achieve sales goals.

Mastering video content for marketing campaigns is possible. The video involves various aspects to aim for a different marketing funnel objection, such as spreading awareness, getting the audience interested, influencing decisions, and initiating action.

If you want to see more of high-performing marketing video types for your business, take a look this infographic by Breadnbeyond below:

Courtesy of: Breadnbeyond

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